Monday, January 7, 2013

January Blogging

January's probably going to be a little bit light on posts here at the Operation Highlander blog. There are a few reasons for this.

First, a couple of my big features are going to be stalled for content: Island Paradise is nearly tapped out until my next expedition, and Around Aberdeen also needs some work in the next couple of months to come up with some new pictures and new stuff to write about. I have a few ideas for the latter, but they'll take some coordination and some effort to get them ready.

January's also going to be a busy month, with study for exams, exams themselves, social events with the returning Strategists, and possibly a bit of travel at the end of the month before the new semester begins.

I'm going to keep the posts coming as I'm able, and I'll try to post about some more day-to-day stuff once my life stops being pure exam study and sitting around accomplishing nothing. Things should pick back up once we hit February.

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